Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Secret to My Pain

Something very interesting happened to me over the weekend. I spent 3 days in Indianapolis hanging out with my mother-in-law. I don't have the typical relationship with my husband's mother. She & I are very compatible. Anyway, we spent our time together relaxing, shopping, dining and just having a good time. By Monday morning, I was taking two less pain pills/day and not using any Ben Gay patches for pain.

What was so different about those 3 days in Indy with my mother-in-law that led to this mysterious reduction in my pain? I was relaxed. I stepped away from the stresses of my daily life and just focused on having a good time. I was spending time with someone who I enjoy. I was doing all of my favorite things. It gave me some concrete evidence that stress makes my pain worse.

If I could reduce my stress, then my back pain would improve. That is easier said than done, but it gives me something concrete to work on during a time when I'm low on options. It is forcing me to think about things in my life that I need to consider eliminating. It is making me realize that I have more control over my pain than I realized. Maybe, I should take a class on meditation or force myself to take more time for prayer/meditation in the mornings. Maybe, I need to take a closer look at my life. Yes, that may be the secret to my pain. . .

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