Saturday, July 31, 2010

Young and in Pain - 1st Entry

I never thought I'd be living in pain for almost 2 years when all of this first started. In January of 2009, I had pain that resembled the pain from a urinary tract infection. After receiving treatment for a uti, the lower back pain continued. Eventually, I was diagnosed with a bulging herneated disc in my lower lumbar and an inflamed sacroilliac joint (i.e. tale bone). I've undergone several rounds of physical therapy, steroids, epidural injections, and more. I've tried 6 months of seeing a chiropractor which included traction and a cool laser treatment. I've tried acupuncture. And all to no avail! I still live with chronic pain. I still hurt after long stretches of sitting. The pain and how to make it go away are still on my mind from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep.

I decided to start a blog to find out if there are other people out there young and in pain. I think it will be emotionally helpful to use this blog as a journal and also to reach out to others facing a similar situation. If you're out there, can you hear me?!?