It is amazing how happy you can be no matter what. There is so much joy to be had if we can only see it in the world around us. I woke up today in pain as always, but I was so happy to kiss my little girl awake this morning. It made me smile to put on a pretty dress and walk out my front door feeling good about myself. I was filled with joy in my car this morning as I looked at all of the beauty in the country. Indiana is truly a beautiful place to live! And as I write this, I am happy. Still in pain, still wearing a Ben gay patch (LOL), still wondering what will finally end my pain, but HAPPY.
Not only can we look around and see what there is in our lives to be happy about, but we can look at the lives of others and be grateful for what we don’t have in our world that others do. I am not facing a deployment to Iraq and neither is my husband. I am not facing a life threatening illness. I don’t live in a war torn country and I’m not facing poverty or loneliness. I am literally and truly one of the richest and most blessed individuals in the world. . . pain or no pain.
There is so much to be happy about no matter what. If you are facing a truly tough time, try to look at the things that are going right in your life even if it is the most basic stuff – being able to breathe without difficulty, being able to walk outside your door and not face bullets flying around your neighborhood, being able to love the people in your life, being able to give of yourself to others worse off than you. There truly is so much to be happy about whether my back heals or not.
Melissa-Well written and so true. Thanks for the perspective in the early am. I'm going to embrace what you said and get over the cats chewing on my sandals for the 2nd day in a row. Today will be a good day.