Monday, August 9, 2010

How to Get from A to Z or Pain to Pain Free

I'm the type of person who when faced with a challenge, comes up with a detailed plan and follows it until the challenge is overcome. I get a notebook out, write down my ideas and work the list of to dos until I can say "mission accomplished!" I talk to friends, network with people in the know, read books, etc. I get the job done!

The most difficult thing about where I'm at now with my back pain is that I've worked my list and I'm pretty much out of things to try or I should say, I'm out of things I'm willing to try. I've worked my list and I'm still in pain. What do I do now? Accept the pain? Create another list? What would be on that list?

Maybe, it is not necessarily time to accept the pain, but time to let go a little. Maybe, I need to work on stress management and letting go of "the plan" for a while. It might do me more good than everything I've done combined. You never know what will finally lead to sweet relief. . . could it be that letting go of my perfectionist tendencies to over plan will finally ease my pain? I'm willing to give that a try! What do I have to lose?

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