What do your family and friends mean to you when you are in pain? For me, they have meant the difference between keeping my head above water and drowning. There are so many friends and family members who have helped me to get through my back stuff since it started in January of 2009. My husband has taken on more than his fair share to keep our home clean and dinner on the table. No one knows my pain more than Jeff, the man who helps me get the Ben Gay patches on my back each night before bed. They can be surprisingly difficult to get on by yourself (LOL). It is clear to me that Jeff took the vow “in sickness and in health” very seriously. Thank you, Jeff!
My dad, mom and mother-in-law have been hugely supportive of me as well. Hugging me when I needed a good cry and putting up with my endless conjectures on what I could or should do next. I am so grateful for my friends who also listened to me go on and on about my back over coffee, lunch, dinner, etc. I am truly blessed with some of the most wonderful girlfriends. My coworkers have been very supportive as well. It is so cool to know that the people in your life want you to get well almost as much as you do. This experience has made me feel like Jimmy Stuart in “It’s A Wonderful Life”: “No man is a failure who has friends.” And I do, indeed, have wonderful family and friends!
Finally, I must note my beautiful daughter. I want to show her how to rise above the challenges in life with faith. She prays for me at every meal: “Please let mommy’s back get well.” She rubs my back when we read books. One look into her little face and I know I can do more than get through the pain. I am empowered to show her that we are not defined by our challenges, but by how we respond to them. I will show her how God can help you shine in the face of adversity!
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