My parents lost a son to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (better known as SIDS) when he was two months old, the day after his baptism. My mom found him in his crib all blue and already gone. My dad found out at work. On the day of his funeral, my parents could not walk away from his tiny little casket at the cemetery. My Grandma White gently touched their shoulders and helped them to walk away.
Every challenge I've faced in my life pales in comparison to the death my parents had to live through - the worst death - the death of a child. My parents also both lived through cancer the very same year, my mom breast cancer and my dad prostate cancer. They've been married since they were 20 and they've definitely had their ups and downs. They are truly the strongest people I know.
In part, it is looking back at the strength my parents have shown in their lives that helps me to get through all my back stuff. And like my parents, there is an abundance of blessings that surrounds my pain. My daughter is bright and healthy. My husband, also my best friend, has a really good job. I have a ton of wonderful friends and loving family. These are the good old days that I'm living through in spite of the pain. It will NOT break me! I will live through this.
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