Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You Are What You Bear

I'm sure you've heard it as many times as I have: It is how you respond to adversity that shows your true character. In other words, the person you really are shows through in how you respond to the challenges in life. I think about this principle a lot when I'm deciding whether to indulge in feeling sorry for myself or to grin and bear the pain with strength and a positive attitude.

I tried to find the place in the Bible that talks about getting "double for your trouble," but I couldn't find it. I know it's there and what it means is that God will bless you doubly for every challenge you face. I don't think this means you'll win the lottery after facing a crisis. I think it means, in part, that you can become a better person, a stronger person after facing adversity. Becoming stronger is a huge blessing that an easy, pain free life might not provide. Not that winning the lottery wouldn't be great, but making some real positive changes in who we are is a longer lasting, more profound win!

I wish I could say that I've always chosen the positive, smile on my face attitude about my pain. A lot of the time I have, but there have been days when I let myself be grouchy, emotional and even angry about what is going on with my back. What I know for sure is that at the end of this pain (and I truly believe there will be an end),I am a better person for having faced this struggle. Strange as it sounds - it has been a blessing in disguise. Strange, huh?!? I wouldn't mind winning the lottery though!

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